Tuesday, September 09, 2008

She purred for me - oh the irony

Anyone who has ever dealt with FIP knows that it is often called "the purring disease" because the stress and pain of a fever causes the cat to purr - thus making the cat feel more comfortable. Tonite I came home, not sure what to expect. Maddie was very easy to handle, which concerned me. She had peed next to the litterbox. Her little tongue was sticking out but she often does that. She went behind the toilet and I gently put my hand around her belly and picked her up. Yes..I picked her up. In any other circumstance I would be thrilled, but at this moment, I wished she would fight me. I've dealt with a lot of ferals in my time and they get more and more tame as they get sicker and sicker. Both a blessing and a sadness. I easily took Maddies temp and it quickly went up to 105. I crushed up some baytril for her and gave it to her with some babyfood, she really liked that. She just kept looking at me as if she were giving up and asking me for help. As she sat facing away from me in her bed, I started running my fingers back and forth on either side of her spine, and she began to purr. Her entire body relaxed and she just sat there, purring. In an instant I almost wished she would stop, turn around, and run off. Wouldn't it be wonderful if she was purring because she knew that I was helping her? A tiny part of me thinks that, but the practical side tells me that she is feeling the effects of whatever ailment is taking over her body and she's trying to calm herself. I'm going to go and give her another 100cc of fluids. I'll mix some vitamins in with it. I'll also put together a row of dishes with various foods in it. Anyone who has ever had a really sick cat knows this drill too - find every can and bag of food in the house and line them all up, hoping that one of them will be sampled. Our appointment to see the vet is Thursday. I have received prayers from all over the country - keep praying and Thank You from the bottom of our hearts.

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