Monday, September 08, 2008

Maddie is very sick

Just a half hour ago as I was sitting here working, I saw Maddie slink across the floor. Something just wasn't right about that slink. So I walked after her and watched her slink away again. Hm, still, something wasn't right. She looked as if she was disoriented, didn't want to move her neck, actually, didn't want to move at all. So I reached down to touch her. She was fine enough to move away quickly. I followed again and scruffed her – kapow! - fine enough to kick her way out of my grasp. But after only this minute of effort, she was mouth breathing heavily, not good. I chased her around for 20 minutes last week and she was only slightly winded. I went and got a towel and got her into the bathroom. She was burning up with fever. I took her temp...106.9. Of course it is 11:30 at night. She isn't sneezing, doesn't have the look of a cat with URI, but perhaps she has a virus? She is a regular vomiter, but I always figured that was nerves as she has gained weight nicely. Without a clue on her background it could be just about anything. I have given her 100cc of lactated ringers and some baytril. At this point I have absolutely no idea what tomorrow will bring. If this was one of my other cats, they would be sleeping with me all night. Maddie is in a cool room with tile, food and water. I did not give her a litterbox, just a towel. I want to see what her urine/poop look like. I called my contact at MEOW and they have agreed to initially front any vet bills. I said I thought perhaps that BAP or CFA might be able to help with reimbursement of any vet bills. She could also have FIP for all we know, thus the difficulty in breathing? She will definitely go to my favorite vet to try for xrays and bloodwork. Poor girl...please keep her in your prayers. Here is a recent photo of her from last week showing how happy she was hanging out with Charlie, my other semi feral.

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