Friday, September 12, 2008

Maddie - encouraging news

Some of the bloodwork has come back on Maddie as well as a professional evaluation of her xrays. The bloodwork is NOT pointing to FIP! It is showing a decrease in liver functions from not eating as well as suggestions of a slight infection. The most surprising information came from the evaluation of her xrays. According to the report, Maggie has pneumonia. This would account for the on and off vomiting of the last month, the high temperature, and the difficulty in breathing. She shows no outward signs of a URI of any kind, eyes bright, nose clear. But we cannot find any record of her ever being vaccinated either. The vet suspects that Maddie may have sustained some nasty damage to her lungs while in the cattery from hell and the stress of that, plus the rescue, being in animal control for a month, then moving again... She's likely been hiding pneumonia for quite some time. We will continue the baytril and fluids and add amoxicillin. I've let her out of her confinement now that we have no lab signs pointing to FIP. She's much happier out of the bathroom and actually ate for the first time on her own since Monday. Catching her to give her medications is going to be the most difficult part. Right now she's sitting quietly on the floor in the middle of the family room watching my every move. I hope I can catch her tonight without stressing her out too much. We'll see. I'll feel better if she feels better in a week. To all our friends...I think the prayers worked - stay tuned.

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