Thursday, September 11, 2008

Maddie's Vet Visit

Maddie's temp was down to 103.5 this morning when we went to the vet. But unfortunately, that just gets her closer to the average range for FIP. The vet did not feel any fluid in her abdomen, that was a good sign. They put Maddie under with gas anesthesia and drew blood and took xrays. Initial review of xrays showed a lack of contrast of the organs suggesting some type of peritonitis. Maddie is back home with me. Ive given her some raw food today to see if she will eat. The kind folks at catsafratsrx were kind enough to offer to send medications and royal canin rescue food for maddie. We received some catnip balls the other day. The well wishes are very comforting to me as Maddie and I go through this together. I really appreciate the emails we get from all over the country. I have no idea how this will all turn out - either way, it has been so wonderful watching her this past month discover new things and actually enjoy life.

1 comment:

AB clan said...

Good luck Maddie
