Tuesday, September 09, 2008

A little improvement

Maddie's temp is down to 104 so I'm encouraged that the antibiotics helped. She did not absorb the fluids well which is a concern. Since she improved, I do not think she has a heart problem. She urinated so that eliminates the possibility of a blockage due to UTI. She definitely feels better. But we all know that FIP can come and go with the fever. The vet has suggested I stay the course and bring her in on Thursday. That way we can look for patterns in her reaction to antibiotics. She is going to be a huge challenge to treat. I could only give her fluids last night because she was so sick. Seems to work well if I put her in a single sturdi cage which I can easily manipulate and access her with. I'm expecting at least one bite through all this! She has not eaten.

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