Sunday, August 03, 2008

Still calm waters

This morning (ok, I slept in until 1pm)...ahem...This afternoon I wasn't sure what to expect from (enter new name here). I don't know if we can go on without a name for this little spitfire of a girl. I thought of "Madeline" from my favorite book series as a young girl. "The smallest one, was Madeline." There have been some great suggestions emailed to me; Beauty, Angel, Autumn Leaves. As I sat here thinking of a name, the blue angels kept flying over. That name has stuck in my mind as well, Angel. I googled "angel beauty" and ended up on There is an album of inspirational songs referred to as "Healing Harp Music." The songs include: Shining Ones, Angel Beauty, Soaring Wings, Angels Of Mercy, Angel Light, and Lord, Come And Heal The World. I'm not a terribly religous person but you have to admit, these songs sound very inspirational and positive. I've decided to call her Angel. If she bites me, she might have another name temporarily, but Angel will be her real name.

Angel likes to hide, no surprise there. But hiding in the litterbox while sharing a pen with a whole male is not my idea of an ideal hiding spot. I've pulled the top off the litterbox and given her a kitty cave. But first I picked her up with a cat bed and placed her on the bench in the walk in cage. She is letting me pet her and has yet to strike out or hiss at me. Her eyes are completely dialated though, she's very scared. I'm being very careful to move slowly around her, lets face it, I'm a big girl, and my presence must be mighty scary.

We did have a little breakthrough though. I left the cage and came back with some freeze dried chicken. As I reached out to place it in front of Angel, I half expected this to be the time I got a warning shot. But NO! She sniffed the chicken and stayed still while I placed it in front of her. Another baby step.

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