Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Aug 19 Maddie Update

A week ago I decided to let Maddie out into the house. It occurred to me that she was continually being cornered by me in any type of cage and that must be terrifying. For the first 4 days she hid, I didn't know where, but I trusted that she was eating at night.

Do you ever have one of those days when you float around the house, doing this and that, and you have this feeling like someone, or something, is watching you? Now granted I have a lot of cats in my house - but lately, it's been different. For the past few days I've realized that there was a little girl watching me. I have started noticing her more and more. It's been Maddie. She is no longer hiding all the time, she's actually out and about - her curiosity getting the better of her. For example; right now I'm sitting at my desk in the living room, the Olympics are on, the cats are lulling around. Behind me there is a cat tree, with a little persian sitting on it. When I turn around she stares at me as if I had no right to stare back. Later I turned back to my computer and when I looked again, she was gone. Now, out of the corner of my eye, I see her sitting on the sofa, then she jumped down and walked (not RAN!) across the floor. As I spied her creep back to the cat tree, I turned around and picked up a four foot cat toy on a pole. The other cats of course came bounding out to play. I shook it in her direction, first fear, then curiosity, then - was it? It was! A paw stretched out to catch a feather. We continued on with this for a few minutes. This is the first time I've ever seen her play and it was with ME!

She really must be relaxing. This is even after I cornered her this afternoon to give her an exam. She had been vomiting and I was concerned she might be down on weight. Nope, she's of good weight and her hair is growing back. While I had her cornered in a cage, I held out a piece of chicken - and she took it out of my fingers and ate it!! Chills ran down my spine, this was progress!

Wow...she is sitting on the floor now, just four feet away from me. Whoops...gone again! To see this girl embracing her freedom is something to behold. Every experience she has is a first. I've seen her sitting by the back screen window, soaking up the smells of the fresh air of the back yard. It has just started to rain, if she sits by the window again tonite, it will be the first time she's seen and smelled rain, can you imagine?

Gymnatics is on...gotta go!!

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