Monday, August 11, 2008

Exhibitor support for Maddy

I attended a show this weekend in Portland with my alter - I was truly not prepared for the number of people who came up to me to wish me well with Maddy. The support was overwhelming and the stories that were shared really hit home. I met people who knew Judy - these were not friends of hers. The feedback I've received regarding the owner of the 22 Persian cats was grim. Granted, so far as I know this is a "he said, she said" issue without concrete proof, but it is not pretty. I won't go into details about the character of the owner of this cat in regards to her conduct in CFA - it is opinion and I prefer not to pass judgement on hearsay of others. HOWEVER - I think people need to be reminded that how they treat others will be reflected on how they treat you. "Do unto others as you would have them, do unto you." When this woman told authorities that "she could not get anyone to help her"; I wonder how many times she had gone out of her way to help others. What do they call it...kharma?

I guess this could explain why Maddie acts like she does. She's giving back to humans, the same as she's received. I don't think her previous owner should be put in jail. I think she should be made to live in her garage with a toilet that doesn't work, no running water, no get the idea. Oh..and no visitors, no love, no kind words, no gentle hands. Sorry, a little bitter today.

Maddie is still very scared. She makes a mess of her cage every day. She's lost her dignity. She does not work very hard to clean herself. I suppose when she was caged, there was no point in keeping herself clean. That must be torture for a cat. She is eating well, but not a lot. I'm wondering if the food I'm feeding her is too high quality. Sometimes when cats have been raised on cheap crap food, its hard for them to convert to the good stuff. She loves treats, that's cute to see. I've had to isolate her from Grissom because he was getting tired of her torti-tude. I don't like caging her, I wish she could be free. I can't set her loose in the house as I still want to run a lab fecal on her and besides, she would most certainly find some hiding places in my house that I'd never known existed. I really don't like keeping her caged though. I don't think it is good for her not to have anywhere to escape to. Sometimes when I come and open the door to this newer cage, she starts jumping up against the back corner of the cage under the shelf. There is no where to go so all she does is whack her head on the ceiling with her jumps. So along with being scared to death...she's rather an idiot. She is a persian, after all...

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