Saturday, August 09, 2008

My New Kitten!

Meet Woolibaar Edyta Sliwoolska - newly of Dramatails! I was at a show this weekend and had seen this girl before. I am not a tortie fan AT ALL, but I got to meet this girl and she is so sweet. She also has behind her Pamacs Alacurlzam and Castlekatz Harry Potter, two outstanding sires. I made a deal with Donna Bass her breeder, that I would grand this cat for her and help her to gain the title of "Distinguished Merit" on her dam. This will be just the second DM for the Selkirk Rex breed in CFA! I'm going to call this cat "Fire" as her call name. In TICA I will register her as "Woolibaar Firestarter of Dramatails." She has some very sweet cats behind her and with her own great personality, she should make some very sweet tempered babies.

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