Monday, August 04, 2008

Selkirk Stress

NiteWind Bedazzled went into labor last Friday, she had been due that previous Wednesday. She had two live babies, then one dead one and then labor came to a screeching halt. Rather, the delivery of kittens did. $1800 later and an emergency c-section, we have 3 live babies out of the original 5. This is my catteries second c-section in one year and I tell you, I'm seriously thinking that this might not be the hobby for me. My first litter produced two live kittens out of 3, with a $1300 c-section. The next litter came when I had run to work, and my maiden queen did nothing to take care of her babies and they all died before I even had the chance to get home. The next litter of one (Lacey's litter), produced one kitten with physical challenges that died shortly after birth. Now Bedazzled. Bedazzled spent today at the veterinarian's office on IV fluids and antibiotics for a nasty case of mastitis. Lucky for me Lacey is a very good wet nurse and at the very least has kept the kittens clean. It is clear, after seeing how clean the kittens are today, that Bedazzled has not felt right since she gave birth to these babies. The babies had been fed up until now, but not very clean. Between Lacey and I, we will raise these babies together - with what little milk she can produce and supplemental bottle feeding.

I've only had whole cats since last year. And nobody told me then about the number of c-sections and the high mortality rate that this breed, as well as others, have experienced. At first I was shocked, then when I thought about it from a scientific standpoint, it made sense. The mongrel, mutt cats of this world - reproduce by natural selection, survival of the fittest. We don't breed the fittest reproducing cats, we breed the ones who conform or will lead to the correct type for our breeds. As a result, reproductive fitness has been reduced to a case of chance. I'm happy to be working with cross breeds, but right now I would give anything to be able to outcross with domestic cats. I bet the LaPerms are doing well.

Bedazzled's temp is 104 right now and has been all day. She's on baytril and clavamox, plus buprenex and fluids. Her days of being a mom are over. I just want to get her through this so she can start the rest of her life as a wonderful pet.

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