Sunday, March 29, 2009

Tukwila & Monroe, WA - March 28-29

Oh my, crazy weekend I'd planned. Friday in Tukwila, Saturday in Monroe, Sunday in Tukwila, all the while having a house guest. Friday was fun, but I only brought two cats, Blondie and Grissom. Grissom picked up one final and Blondie picked up three. Steve stopped by on his way to the house to say hi to everyone. It was really nice to see him. We both went to the Monroe show together, I brought Grissom and Blondie. Sammy was entered into both shows but his tail is infected again, that boy needs to be neutered (Sammy, not Steve!) Blondie picked up some nice finals and Grissom picked up some points. I decided to skip the show on Sunday. This is something I've NEVER done before. But spending time with Steve seemed so much more important. Who knew I'd ever say THAT about a man...who knew?

Steve and I dropped by the show on our way up to Idaho Falls to check out his place. It was nice to see everyone again and see the smiles on friends faces when they realized that Steve and I were together. We seem to have at least 50 friends in common.

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