Sunday, April 12, 2009

Longview, WA - April 11-12

I went to the Longview show mostly to spend time with Steve. He was showing 4 kittens and 2 adults. I brought Seamus along to show for fun. We all had a great time. Seamus got along fine with all of Steve's crazy cats. Seamus took home 5 finals out of the 7 rings I'd put him in. He did not get a final in Hillary Helmrich's ring since he hissed at her. He would not stand up for Karen Lawrence. I didn't put him in Wain Harding's ring since he has never really liked him anyway and Seamus doesn't like Wain for some reason. We ended up the day with a "BEST CAT" from Betty Denny, that was sweet. Steve's cats did "ok". One champion picked up 11 grand points. His premier won her Grand Premier title in grand style. His kitten, Classic, picked up a few finals as well. I still think he should show fewer cats at once, but he loves it - he does his own thing, fine with me. He brought along 4 kittens he had that had caught nasty colds. Diane used to do all of the veterinary treatments around the house and he'd asked for my help with these babies. I've taken these kittens home and they are recovering nicely. I cried pretty hard when Steve had to leave, but we'll meet again in two weeks - he is such a great guy, I am truly blessed.

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