Saturday, March 21, 2009

Boise, ID - March 20-21

Ok, did I say that Eugene was a long way? Boise is insanely far from home. My friend Jovannah and I set off in a rental car Friday around 3pm. We saw every type of weather we could possibly have run into, then drove into Boise around midnight. I drove most of the way. Thankfully, the rental was very comfortable. The radio sucked, and the GPS unit took us odd places, but the companionship was fun and the trip, uneventful. During the show we experienced thunder and lightening outside, but it didn't do much to affect the goings on inside. I had brought Grissom and Blondie with me. Blondie picked up 5 of 7 finals and Grissom picked up 62 points. A very successful show for both of them. Donna Bass was there with another breeder (Donelle?). They were both very nice to me and helped me with grooming and showing, great comraderie.

Saturday night found Kay, Jovannah, Phyllis and I at Joe's Crab Shack on the water. POURING down rain. We had a great time though, drinking too much, eating too much, and watching Phyllis dance on the table and spell her name with her butt. It was her birthday after all!! After dinner I met up with a cat friend at the nightclub in the hotel. We talked for about 5 hours and decided to call it our first official "date." I will see him again this weekend. I would say more but I know that lots of my cat friends read this blog and you'll just have to wait and wonder. I like him, he likes me, its a good start.

Ride home had some scary parts. Like Jovannah saying very quietly.."I don't think we should be doing 80 through the snow." The trip was a gentle reminder that if you speed, you only win about 5 to 10 minutes per hour and it really isn't worth it. I'm glad I went to the show. A successful show, a little romance, great friendship - woot!

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