Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Seattle TICA show Jan 17-18

Are you ready for this? Dramatails Sugar Rush (Aka Legally Blonde) came in BEST KITTEN IN SHOW!! This is the first time in my life that I've had a kitten come in best in show. I may never see this again in my career as a professional breeder so I am relishing this moment. Blondie picked up two BEST kitten awards, three 2nd best and three 3rd best kitten awards. Unfortunately she did not get much love from the northwest judges which was very disappointing. But she got love from the Mid Pacific judges and I thank them for it so much. Aline Noel gave her best allbreed kitten - that was just phoenomenal. Sammy only picked up two finals, but he's got a tail injury which makes his tail look funny - or else it was just a different set of judges. Cassie went best kitten in 9 of 11 rings. She did not get best in show because I did not put her in one ring. It was not a big deal though because with just 3 kittens competing, I could only use 5 best allbreed kitten ribbons anyway.

Next show is in Portland next weekend. I'm bringing Sammy and Blondie. Cross your paws!


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