Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Jazzycats show in Lodi : Jan 9-11

The Jazzycats show in California is always a fun one. It is also very exhausting. Three days and 17 judges, flying, hotels, clerking, tired kittens. I took Cassie and Blondie. Cassie because I knew there would be a good household pet kitten count. Cassie was the superstar. Out of 16 kittens, she was one of only 3 kittens to make all 17 finals. She also came in best in show. This makes Cassie best household pet kitten in the NW, very cool. I don't know if I want to show her enough to get her an international win, we'll see. Blondie did well too picking up 6 finals and 1197 points. She ended up #13 kitten out of 64, not bad. I like looking at it this way...she was better than 50 other kittens :-) This makes her #1 Selkirk Rex SH kitten in the world!! I'm so proud:-) I had professional photos taken of both girls, I should get them soon. Next show is this weekend. I'm showing Sammy, Cassie and Blondie. Should be fun. Only 3 HHPK, but fun anyway.

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