Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Farm update

The sun has been showing itself much more often. So much so, that we've seen the ground for the first time in weeks. We took the horses out for a walk and it was divine. We didn't actually ride them - Peak and Info are not broke to ride yet, so we put stuff on their back and walked them a bit. The little stinkers are herd/barn sour so it was a challenge.

The emus have been laying eggs like crazy, we got about 20 in February. They appear to be taking a break, but judging on how much they are eating, we'll be seeing more eggs soon.

The goats are getting large with babies. I don't think they are all pregnant, but a good portion of them are. Hopefully they will have their babies on a sunny day so they won't die in the cold. Goats are notorious for being crappy mothers.

We had five chickens turn up on the property, roosting in the trees. Then there were four, now there is one. He wakes us up in the morning. I'll keep an eye on Craigs List and see if we can get some more adults. Not ready for chicks right now, still too cold. Rooster is in love with Romeo, the peacock though, its pretty funny.

Cats are doing well, but we have many to place - slowly but surely. PEACE!

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