Saturday, February 27, 2010

Long Time No Blog

I moved to Idaho in August 2009 to live with my boyfriend. My animal brood has now increased from a bunch of cats to: 2 emus, 7 llamas, 15+ pygmy goats, 4 horses, 3 ducks, 1 peacock, 4 chickens and a dog. I have only had one kitten born since August, I am in the midst of a welcome break. I had high hopes for the litters from 2009 but I've quickly been disappointed. From the Fire x Sammy breeding, I'm just keeping Willow and she may not work out even then. Her muzzle is too short. However she has a nice coat and personality and her structure is sound, she shouldn't have trouble giving birth. American Gangster and Dirty Harry from that litter are neutered. Gangster is going to live in Pennsylvania and Dirty Harry is looking for a home.

From the Pixie x Sammy litter, I'm keeping two girls; Eclipse and Charmed, polar opposites. Charmed is a longhaired straight hair and Eclipse is a short haired homozygote. Brother Mimic showed great promise but his legs are crooked, he goes to a pet home soon hopefully. Pixie is here and doing well and will be bred late in the season.

From the Crystal x Grissom litter I kept Silver Bullet, a long haired curly boy - very sweet. I placed the two sisters from that litter.

From the Blondie x Grissom litter I had just one, a very homely looking silver and white shorthair. He's been neutered and will be placed.

From the Mercy x Sammy litter I had some nice babies. I'm keeping a long haired curly tortie and white girl I call Dramatails American Beauty and a homozygous silver male I call Dramatails Little Man Tate. I have placed a red and white boy I call Lethal Weapon, with a great gal in Portland. She's currently showing him and we may breed him in the future. Both Beauty and Lethal Weapon have shown well in competition.

I had a surprise Rosie x Grissom litter in October. Considering Grissom shipped out of my house in August, that must have been a quickie. I'm keeping the one boy that lived from that litter. I call him Dramatails Velveteen Rabbit and he is a very long haired, straight haired, cream and white. A personality and type to die for.

This leaves me with 7 girls and 3 boys, plenty for me. I have recently placed Gato with one of my best friends who lives in Colorado. He will be much happier there. That leaves me with Seamus, Woden, Apollo, Andy, Charlie, Church and Lacey. I don't see much of Andy as he revels in his out door status on 27 acres.

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