Monday, February 09, 2009

Portland, OR - OCI TICA Show Feb 7 to 8

Wow..this was a huge show. Nice for the club, nice for campaigners, not nice for us little folks. My outstanding Selkirk appeared on most judges top 20 lists, but did not make top 15 in any but one judges final. We made one final out of 8 this weekend - I was pretty pissed. Blondie is a fantastic example of her breed - I think some CFA judges are just chicken to put them up in their finals because they don't know the standard as well as they should.

Sammy did not attend because his tail hair hasn't totally grown back from his infection yet and with competition at 100 adults, he would need to be in tip top shape to compete. So he stayed home and bred Fire!

On the plus side - I clerked for Walter Hutlzer and had a ball as usual. That guy is a kick to clerk for! My friend Phyllis had her Manx kitten there and he did well by picking up 5 finals. I need to pick it up and get to some more CFA shows if we're going to be #1 Selkirk Rex kitten.

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