Thursday, July 22, 2004

Lance is my hero

It was pretty funny yesterday. I looked up Lance Armstrong on Google and found a hilarious article written by a gal that he went to school with - she hates him! Check it out, she has this really unflattering photo of him and she talks about what a sleazeball he was in school. Hmm... talk about having issues that you can't get over. Speaking of high school, I'm having my 20 year high school reunion in October. 20 YEARS!! Holy cockamamiecrappola. I looked at the list and there are tons of people I know attending. Thank goodness I won't have to tell everyone that I've been unemployed for the past 2 years... That I work at Microsoft will be a very cool thing to share. The last reunion I was working for Apple - ok...toot toot goes my horn.

So seems to me I have 12 weeks to lose 20 pounds. I can do problem... I'll just cut off an arm.

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