Tuesday, July 27, 2004

The dog from hell

Thursday evening I picked up my friend’s beagle Baxter. Baxter is 30 pounds, about 2 years old, very cute. The pleasure of taking care of Baxter stops there. He is a whiny, spoiled dog with no manners, no training, and has separation anxiety. Friday when I left work he was in the dog run. Friday evening when I came home, he was in my living room. One screen down. Pissed on my bed and in the living room – bad dog. Saturday I had to travel all over, so I brought the dog with me. Saturday wasn’t bad. Sunday I had to work at MEOW. I ended up there from 12-8. Left the dog in the dog run at noon, he was waiting for me in the living room when I got home. (Baxter 3, Window screens 0) This time he pooped in my bedroom, ate all the dog treats, barfed on the floor. So now I finally wised up to the little bastard. Monday when I go to work, I shut all reachable windows (with no screens on them) and barricade the dog run so he can’t get out. Monday evening, he’s still in the dog run – halle-freakin-leuja. Tuesday his family came home and said they could come by in a few hours. NOPE, I said, I will drive him TO YOU. Good bye Baxter, hello Home Depot – “where can I find window screen material please?”

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