Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Trip to Denver

Flew out to Denver with Julie on Friday. We managed to get on the same flight which was cool. She was on her way to a cat show in Denver and I was on my way to see Linda and Warren so travelling together worked out great. She's travelling with one of her girls called Sister Moon. Since Linda was going to have company Friday and had a class on Saturday, I decided to stay in Denver and see some of the show. Friday night I met up with Julie and her new boyfriend Mark. He's a really nice guy. He's a cat show judge and they met on the TICA circuit. We had dinner and drinks.

Saturday I showed up at the show around 10:30. Sister Moon had already finalled in one ring! It took me hours to understand the way the points and ribbons were scored but I think I understand it now. Very complicated. I must say, I thought I'd hate cat shows but I was hooked! It was a really cool environment and it was fun to follow the cats I liked. The judges were all different too and very entertaining. Mark especially, knows how to please a crowd. There were a ton of vendors too (dangerous, they take visa) So I bought some toys and cat earrings. Sister moon got 2 ribbons, I was off to Longmont.

Took my trusty rental just an hour to find Linda's home. I was determined to find it without directions. Warren got me to the highway, I found the house on my own! Not bad since I'd not visited for 2 years. Linda looks great. And HUGE! She's 30 weeks along and everything has gone perfectly so far. She's having girls. Saturday night we went out to dinner at the Texas Roadhouse. Fabulous food! Warren and I stayed up until midnight talking each others ears off.

Sunday we woke up to a fabulous breakfast prepared by Warren. Love a guy who cooks. Sunday afternoon found Linda and I at the movies. We saw a cute movie called "A Cinderella Story" with Hillary Duff. Thank goodness it was a matinee, you shouldn't pay full price to see Hillary Duff. She's a horrible actress. I am dumbfounded as to how this chick has become so popular. Sunday evening we stripped and painted some drawers for the baby room. Sunday eve we had Chili and watched a movie. Note to self - next visit, limit movie watching to theaters - Linda and Warren talk too much during DVDs!!!

Monday morning I was up bright and early to get off to the airport. Got there in plenty of time, met up with Julie, Mark and Sister Moon. Julie and I got seats next to each other, WHAT ARE THE ODDS?? Had a great chat the entire time. Greta picked us up. Got home around 3pm.

Kittens are still sick - UGH.

Tuesday, August 03, 2004


They are teething. I spent a large part of the night massaging their gums with fingers wet with baby food. Poor babies loved it. I'm so relieved. I feel like there is an end in sight. Willy is feeling better this morning. Now Nathan is feeling sick. They have definitely lost weight. If they do not get better by Thursday I may need to cancel my trip to Denver. (Going to see Linda and Warren)

Monday, August 02, 2004

No answers

Took Nathan and William to the vet today. CBC was normal. Willy has a temp of 103.5. He's miserable. Just sat there like he was in pain. He has no desire to play. He keeps vomiting. I'm at my wits end. I've emailed the breeder to let her know what is happening. If these kittens die, I will never forgive myself. I can't imagine they have distemper. They have had two vaccines. ARGH.

(later) Terry has written back. She's sick about this but doesn't blame me thank goodness. She's going to help me by doing some research herself. She's suggested some herbal remedies. Latest email from her is suggesting teething?

Sunday, August 01, 2004

Cuteness and hersheys

Nathan and Willy settled in well their first couple of days. Lots and lots of hissing and swatting has settled down into wary looks. I'm mortified, however, to find that the kittens are getting sick. They are vomiting daily, are lethargic and have the hershey squirts. (Those of you who have been in rescue know what those are) Could this be distemper? I shudder to think. We're definitely off to the vet tomorrow.

Got a great email from the folks who adopted Ashes. They LOVE her! I miss her sweetness. Petey, Sassy and Missy Boom Boom are doing well. I wish they'd grow faster though. Ok, no creativity today. the end.

Thursday, July 29, 2004

My new babies

Welcome Willy and Nathan. I brought my two new kittens home yesterday evening. They are so beautiful and SO BIG! They came from a breeder in Bothell. I think I completely paid too much for them, but they are wonderful.  They are both 15 weeks old with a classic coat. Apparently this is not desireable in the Pixie Bob world, but who cares.  Nathan has a short Pixiebob tail, tufts on his ears, and is polydactyl. Willy has a long tail, tufts and regular feet. William is such a lover boy. He followed me around like a dog and slept with me all night. Nathan is definitely the more active little stinker of the two. He went around most of the night hissing at everyone. It was funny, if he heard another cat hiss, he would turn around and hiss at what was usually nobody in his vicinity. Hopefully a day alone will help them get used to the house. I'll post photos soon on my website.

I'm reducing the number of fosters down to 4, sending Ashes to the shelter, and three of the Lewis County bunch back to their foster dad. That will reduce my numbers from 14 to 10, much easier to handle. Hopefully the little ones will grow quickly so I can send them to the shelter for adoption.

I've finally started watching what I eat closely and it's working well. Now if I could just simplify my life a little more so I can get to the gym in the morning and still get 8 hours of sleep.

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

The dog from hell

Thursday evening I picked up my friend’s beagle Baxter. Baxter is 30 pounds, about 2 years old, very cute. The pleasure of taking care of Baxter stops there. He is a whiny, spoiled dog with no manners, no training, and has separation anxiety. Friday when I left work he was in the dog run. Friday evening when I came home, he was in my living room. One screen down. Pissed on my bed and in the living room – bad dog. Saturday I had to travel all over, so I brought the dog with me. Saturday wasn’t bad. Sunday I had to work at MEOW. I ended up there from 12-8. Left the dog in the dog run at noon, he was waiting for me in the living room when I got home. (Baxter 3, Window screens 0) This time he pooped in my bedroom, ate all the dog treats, barfed on the floor. So now I finally wised up to the little bastard. Monday when I go to work, I shut all reachable windows (with no screens on them) and barricade the dog run so he can’t get out. Monday evening, he’s still in the dog run – halle-freakin-leuja. Tuesday his family came home and said they could come by in a few hours. NOPE, I said, I will drive him TO YOU. Good bye Baxter, hello Home Depot – “where can I find window screen material please?”

Thursday, July 22, 2004

Lance is my hero

It was pretty funny yesterday. I looked up Lance Armstrong on Google and found a hilarious article written by a gal that he went to school with - she hates him! Check it out, she has this really unflattering photo of him and she talks about what a sleazeball he was in school. Hmm... talk about having issues that you can't get over. Speaking of high school, I'm having my 20 year high school reunion in October. 20 YEARS!! Holy cockamamiecrappola. I looked at the list and there are tons of people I know attending. Thank goodness I won't have to tell everyone that I've been unemployed for the past 2 years... That I work at Microsoft will be a very cool thing to share. The last reunion I was working for Apple - ok...toot toot goes my horn.

So seems to me I have 12 weeks to lose 20 pounds. I can do that...sure...no problem... I'll just cut off an arm.