Thursday, November 27, 2008

How to ignore your life

I am a professional avoider of life. I am so good at it, I should start a business. I have so much to do, and the list keeps getting longer. Its a double edged sword though. I have a long list of things to do because I'm avoiding life, and I have a long list of things to do because I'm avoiding facing the list and the list keeps growing longer. When I have a ton of stuff to do, I go to a movie. That's two hours I don't have to think about anything and I'm thoroughly entertained. Going to the movies also has the added bonus of two of my comforts, diet coke and popcorn. I'm not a movie buff, I just love avoiding life. I'm also figuring out that I need to lock up my home computer. Whenever my computer is not here, its in the car or at work, I get tons done. It is my home avoidance system. Like right now, I'm starving, but don't know what to eat for breakfast, so here I am on my computer, and watching tv. Yes, this blog today is my free therapist. I'm due at Bonne's house around 1pm, I hope that will go well. What I need to do is... scoop litterboxes, bleach litterboxes, vaccum and wash floors, wash walls, bleach the house, clean the bathrooms, pull a bunch of poop for fecals, finish the laundry, buy more totes to contain the cat beds, box up stuff to go to Phyllis' for storage. Notice anything? None of this really benefits ME. I need to make breakfast, do my hair, take a walk - and get off the computer. Bye!

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