Friday, March 25, 2011

Here comes the sun?

Spring is here according to all the cats I have that are in heat. I am hoping to announce pregnancies in 3 weeks for Blondie x Tugger and Pixie x Tugger. Lucky Tugger has been getting a lot of action lately. My bedroom, unfortunately seems to be the magic place for him. So thats what we've been doing - bringing the ladies into Tugger's chamber. Which just happens to be MY BEDROOM. Lovely going to sleep with cats screaming in your ear. Just to be on the safe side, I am going to be sending in DNA samples from Tugger, Blondie and Pixie to test for PKD. Cross your fingers.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Successful Idaho Show

The weekend of the 18th brought us to Boise Idaho for another CFA show. This time I brought six with me including Bruno, Dandelion, Avatar, Sammy, Blondie and Tugger. Sammy did really well picking up 7 finals in 8 rings. Dandelion picked up 5 finals and the other kittens one each. Blondie picked up 14 GC points. It snowed, hailed, rained and blew hard wind - how nice for me. Especially since I had just picked up my truck from the body shop the Thursday before the show. Fortunately we had an uneventful drive to and from the show - a most boring and windy drive.

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Snow Snow Go Go Go Away

This time last year I was posting about how much the snow was going away and that bare patches were showing up and spring was coming. Well it snowed last night and I'm miserable! The Emus *are* laying again, though not a the rate they were laying last year. We've had about 20 eggs total this year so far with more to come. Of the 5 chickens that showed up last year, we have one left, the rest disappeared via food or fowl play. We picked up 4 new chickens and our 5 chickens have the run of the farm and seem to stick around for food. The goats are all pregnant I'm sure and will be due in May. We *still* cannot ride Peak or Info. Peak I rode a little last year but only with Steve's hand firmly on the halter.

Dramatails had a second litter in 2010 which came to Dramtails Eclipse. 3 beautiful curly babies. They are now 4 months old and two of them show huge show potential. One is going to Taiwan in August or September and the other is staying here. Dramatails Avatar is available for sale. He is by far the sweetest of the bunch but is smaller than the rest and lighter boned. He'll make someone a fantastic pet.

IW Bangles Terraincognito has been here for 9 months and has managed to breed ONE girl. He just was not in shape to breed earlier and plus no cats were in heat. He has bred Kitsarkat Pixie and hopefully Dramatails Legally Blonde. I have also put Spellbinding Rosetta Stone and Dramatails Charmed in with him just in case they go into heat. Although Tugger is not very aggressive about his breeding.

So cross your fingers for 4 litters this year, thats about all I can handle.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Car Accident

I was in a car accident on Feb 18 while en route to a cat show in Colorado. I rolled my truck onto its side. It sustained about $3000 in damage plus the window and the towing. Sammy got out onto the road but was picked up by a passer by. One of my kittens was lost for nearly 5 hours. I actually had to leave the scene with the tow truck driver and come back and look for him. By some miracle we found him in some weeds by the side of the highway. I still went to the show with my friend in her truck, we did mediocre – it was a campaigner show and the kittens, while nice, are only 4 months old. I managed to get a new window for my truck while in Colorado and got the wheels fixed to a point where I could drive the truck home. But not after picking up a nasty flu bug. The drive home was absolutely terrifying and I broke down (mentally) 2 hours from home. Fortunately Steve was able to talk me home. This is my third accident driving to Colorado for a cat show - maybe Mother Nature is trying to tell me something? Fly maybe?