Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Palm Springs June 25 to 28

I'm packing for a trip to Palm Springs. I'm picking up an award for Sammy, he earned Best of Breed Selkirk Rex shorthair this year. Steve will be picking up 2nd Best of Breed and 3rd Best of Breed for two of his Turkish Vans.

I updated photos of my kittens this week. Check them out at http://www.dramatails.com/ Here are some of my favorites!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Chehalis Show June 13-14

I'm still not employed but had an opportunity to show one of my cats in exchange for clerking at this TICA Chehalis show. I brought Seamus, my manx alter. He had a fantastic time and ended up 3rd best in show. A great way to celebrate his 4th birthday. I have to say that I was not too energized to go to this show, its getting a bit old. I'm sure once I have a job and some cash, showing will be more fun again.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Long time no post

Still no job, but I've had a lot of time to play with the cats. I sent Blondie down to California to be bred to Bangles Terraincognito of KittiKat. The owners thought it was a good match and they are judges and have more Selkirk experience than I do, so who am I to argue! June 4 I flew into Idaho Falls to meet up with a friend to drive to the CFA Regional Award show in Reno. The Reno show was fairly political with lots of popular cats and judges cats being finalled - as opposed to the best cats which should have been finalled. I clerked for Carolyn Lyons - LOVE her...although I don't want my photo taken with her anymore because she is so tiny she makes me look like a whale. The awards banquet was ok, definitely not the best. It was fun to get dressed up.

Ok, now I see why so many people have complained that my blog is out of date. I'm going to back date some posts to let you all know what trouble I've been up to.